menu DE COL OP TEGEN KANKER KOM OP TEGEN KANKER Follow Follow DE COL OP TEGEN KANKER KOM OP TEGEN KANKER BACKGROUNDHow to fundraise for cancer through an annual operation, enabling Kom op tegen Kanker to raise awareness and get media attention? FAN TRUTHTaking...
menu FAN TIME MACHINE TELENET Follow Follow FAN TIME MACHINE TELENET FAN INSIGHT Fans proudly showcase that they are fans of their club from a young age and will stay fans forever. FAN JOURNEY We created a Telenet time machine where fans can go back and...
menu FIT IN >> STAND OUT SAFETY JOGGER x THE WOLFPACK Follow Follow FIT IN >> STAND OUT SAFETY JOGGER LIFESTYLE FAN INSIGHT Fans want to follow the footsteps of their heroes and the people close to their heroes. FAN JOURNEY To launch SJ...
menu YOUR ME-BIKE BEAUFORT Follow Follow YOUR ME-BIKE BEAUFORT FAN INSIGHT You become a fan of a brand when you can recognize yourself in theircommunication and storytelling. FAN JOURNEY We created a fresh campaign for Beaufort e-bikes that doesn’t...
menu COMPAGNONS DE ROUTE CONTINENTAL BENELUX • TOUR DE FRANCE Follow Follow COMPAGNONS DE ROUTE CONTINENTAL BENELUX • TOUR DE FRANCE Germany’s tyre and brake manufacturer Continental AG has been a partner of the Tour de France since 2017. In 2022, they...